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History of Indian Wars
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Native American Wars
(approx. 1817-1924)
The United States in its desire to developed the western region faced the issue that the land was already populated and dominated by Native Americans. Through a series of wars the government eventually defeated the nations and forced them on to Indian Reservations. They were disarmed and subjected to  accept American culture. In 1924 the Apache Wars and the Renegade Period completed and the Indian Wars came to an end 302 years after the Jamestown Massacre of 1662.
Number or Troops 106,000 Deaths 1 ,000 Source: VA Indian Deaths Unknown
US History
American History
Native Americans
Native Americans
 Westward Movement
Westward Movement  
Old West 
 Old West 
 Online Books

Eyewitnesses to the Indian Wars, 1865-1890: The wars for the Pacific Northwest

 By Peter Cozzens

Following the Indian Wars: The Story of the Newspaper Correspondents Among ...

By Oliver Knight

Daily Life During the Indian Wars

By Clarissa W. Confer

The American Indian Wars

 By Edward F. Dolan

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West

By Dee Alexander Brown

American Heritage History of the Indian Wars

By Robert M. Utley, Wilcomb E. Washburn
 American-Indian Wars - Timeline, Battles & Summary - HISTORY
 Native American Wars - Oxford Reference
 Lessons from the Indian Wars | Hoover Institution
 Indian Wars, Battles & Massacres Across America – Legends
 American Indian Wars - Military History - Oxford Bibliographies
 A Native Nations Perspective | War of 1812 | PBS
 Plains Wars | Definition, History, & Legacy | Britannica
 The United States Government's Relationship with Native Americans
 Conflict with Native American Tribes - White House Historical 
 Buffalosoldiers and the Indian Wars
 Google Scholarly Articles on the Indian Wars
 Warpaths2peacepipes Indian Wars Battles
 Wikipedia American Indian Wars
 Legends of America Indian Wars Battle Massacres Across America


Winning the West the Army in The Indian Wars, 1865-1890