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Dept of Energy 
Whitepaper Report on School Security 
Burglary Prevention
Burglary Prevention
Crime Doctor
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NY Health Dept
Arizona State University
Wikipedia Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
NYT Problem With Sharenting
Health Children- Five Questions You Should Ask
WBUR Can Parents Post Too Much Online
The Conversation Articles
Life Hacker Sharenting Now May Lead to Identity Theft Later
National School Boards Association
Elsevier Journal-of-safety-research

School Security

Security Parental Tips and Advice
Security: the process of protecting ourselves, families and properties. Today's world has become more and more a place where we must be vigilante to our safety in our schools, homes and businesses.
Online Books
Network Security, Firewalls, and VPNs
Security 2.0: Dealing with Global Wicked Problems
Fundamentals of Information Systems Security
Security for Web Developers: Using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Hospitality Security: Managing Security in Today's Hotel, ...
Human Security Challenges
Online Tips and Advice
National School Safety and Security Services
CDC MedlinePlus Parents Central
FBI SafeKids Healthy
Kids Health HowStuffWorks
Hey Mom & Dad Do You Know Basic of Life Support?
Security Choice 20 Tips for Home Safety
Lighting Tips ADT Home Safety
The Classroom Parental Tips
1. Know your child's location at all time. Don't rely on others for their safety!
2. You are the most important factor and last resort in a child's safety.
3. Teach your child your name, address and phone number.
Student Tips and Advice 
Student Tips and Advice 
4. Talk to your child about school safety.
5. Talk to your child about internet safety, bullying and home security.
6. Listen when your child talks about unusual events or people.
7. Control what your child does on the internet.
8. Ask your child's school what they do to insure his or her safety.
9. Keep the police, fire, school number and addresses handy for any emergency.
Teacher Tips and Advice 
Teacher Tips and Advice  
10. Report any unusual activity either by a relative, teacher, coach, administrator or stranger immediately to the proper authority 
11. Make your home a place where your child feels, safe, secure and welcome! 
12. Never allow a teenager to date an adult.
13. Remind your child never take a gift from strangers.
Mass Shooting 
 Mass Shootings
14.To prevent sexual violence, parents need to teach a child about their bodies parts and it's privacy. Make them feel comfortable about themselves and how others react to them. Children should understand that there are no secrets and they can talk about anything especially when it concerns their bodies
15. Know at all times where your child is and who they contact, especially someone who is an adult. 
School Safety 
School Safety  
16. Monitor adults that want to give gifts such as toys and money or want to take your child to special events or outings. 
17. If you need a daycare center make sure that the center has an open door policy so you can make an unannounced visit and that it is clean and has a great reputation and or certification. 
 18. If you see unusual behavior in your child which indicate some form of abuse, talk to them an assure them that you take their feelings and disclosures seriously. If you are given information that indicate abuse in any form call your local authorities immediately. 
19. Encourage your child to request help from you or anyone in authority if they feel they are wrong or threatening.
20. If you have an uneasy feeling about any situation in a school, bring this concern to the administration, even if that feeling involves the administration. You can always take your concern to the next level.
21. If your gut tells you something is wrong don't hesitate to drill down and investigate any incident or action that you feel threatens your children.
Little Known Facts
What are some little known facts about IT security?
15 Alarming Cyber Security Facts and Stats
10 Surprising Facts About Burglary& Security Systems ..
Home Safety and Security Stats and Facts
9 Spooky Home Burglary Facts That Give Us Goosebumps ...
Small Business Crime Facts You Should Know
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